

Thank you for your interest in the AFP Edmonton & Area Chapter Mentorship Program. This program is designed to give those who are new to fundraising an opportunity to be paired with an experienced fundraiser to help develop skills in the not for profit sector.

Mentoring is a powerful personal development and empowerment tool. It is an effective way of helping people to progress in their careers and is becoming increasingly popular as its potential is realized. If you’re like most fundraisers, one of your passions includes a deeply held desire to give back to humankind, thereby making a difference in the world. We also share pride in our chosen profession and by making connections with others. 

The AFP Edmonton & Area Chapter Mentorship Program is a great way to bring people together with different backgrounds, positions, experiences and positions of influence resulting in an enhanced experience in the fundraising profession.

 Benefits of Being a Mentor

  • Satisfaction of helping a new fundraising professional reach his or her professional goals

  • An expanded network of professional colleagues

  • Increasing your involvement in the community

  • Recognizing you can make a difference

  • Building new relationships

  • Contributing to the quality of fundraising professionals

Benefits of Having a Mentor

  • Individual recognition, encouragement and support

  • Increased self-esteem and confidence when dealing with professionals

  • Confidence to challenge oneself to achieve new goals and explore alternatives

  • Experience in networking

For more information about the mentorship program, please contact