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AGM & Session: Philanthropic Trends… Now What?


Location: Virtual - Zoom

Date: Thursday, June 10

Time: 12:00 p.m. Annual General Meeting
12:15 p.m. Presentation
1:30 p.m. Adjourn

Cost: AFP/ CAGP Members: Free Complimentary Event, Non-Members: $20.00

CFRE Continuing Education Credit Value: 1.0 CE Point

Registration Deadline: June 8th, 2021

Meeting link and AGM materials will be sent to registered participants prior to the event.

About the session:

While we definitely aren't out of the woods yet, it's fair to say there are numerous signals pointing to better days on the horizon.

Combined with an accelerating vaccine rollout, we are increasingly hearing that Canadians are holding unprecedented levels of savings, and numerous measures of consumer confidence indicate that our itch to get out and spend is greater today than at any time since 2018. All of this adds credibility to the theory that, just like at the end of the 1918 pandemic, we are heading towards another 'Roaring Twenties' - a time of significant economic growth, technological progress, widespread prosperity, and social, artistic, and cultural dynamism.

But what about the charitable sector? What will this period of growth and prosperity mean for fundraising in general? How do we prepare to be ready to take full advantage of it? What should we be doing today, tomorrow and in the weeks and months to come?

In other words ... Now what?

About the speaker:

Susan Storey, CFRE is a highly respected development professional with 30 years' experience directing fundraising programs at some of Canada's most notable charitable organizations. A Partner with KCI, her current work includes strategic counsel for studies and campaigns ranging from start-up to $500 million. In addition, Susan is involved in the creation of multi-year revenue generation plans that comprehensively evaluate potential across all fundraising channels including mass philanthropy, major and planned gifts, corporate giving and sponsorship, special events and social enterprise. Susan has been KCI's lead consultant for projects in all sectors including arts and culture, education, health, environment, multi-level national and international charities and community-based social service organizations.

CHARITABLE INTERESTS: Committed to improving lives and creating better communities, Susan has donated her time to a variety of organizations including serving at the local, national and international levels for the Association of Fundraising Professionals. She currently serves on the AFP Global Board, is a past President of two Canadian Chapters (Manitoba, Greater Toronto) and is Chair for the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy Canada.

AGM materials will be sent electronically to all registered members upon registration closing. Zoom log-in details are provided on the registration confirmation page. Keep the confirmation for your reference.

Event Registration

Registration Deadline: June 8th, 2021

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